Nov 25, 2012

Weekend Ramblings: Broken Makeup? No Problem!

It happens to everyone: you're headed out the door and you carelessly toss your favorite powder or pressed eyeshadow into your purse.  Upon your arrival to wherever your destination may be, you open up the product only to realize it has shattered, its contents often covering the inside of your bag.  You may think your makeup is ruined, but think again!  I picked up this amazing trick on the internet somewhere and it is such a lifesaver that I've got to share it.  I did not realize how handy this trick would be until the day when I broke one of my favorite eye shadows, which I think was one by Maybelline that I bought at the drugstore for no more than $5.  Sure, this particular eyeshadow was easily replaceable, but what was the point if I could fix it for FREE?  This trick works for any type of pressed powder makeup whether it be bronzer, eyeshadow, blush, or blotting powder.  Here's the instructions:

What You Need
Rubbing Alcohol
A cup for mixing
Either an old, empty makeup container or the container that the product was originally in (I used an old Merle Norman container)

What to Do
1.  Dump all of the broken makeup into the cup for mixing and pour in some rubbing alcohol.  The amount of alcohol you need will vary according to how much broken powder you have. 
2. Mix the rubbing alcohol and the powder together until the mixture is a little thicker than the consistency of toothpaste and there are no chunks of powder left.
3.  Once the mixture is of the right consistency, pour it into the makeup container that you have chosen.  Smooth the alcohol-powder mixture out so it evenly fills the container.
4.  Allow the mixture to sit for a couple hours.  By then, the powder should have dried and look good as new!(Note: the powder will be solid, though it may not always be as smooth as it originally was;  this all depends on how well you smooth the makeup over before you allow it to dry)

Not perfectly smooth, but the eyeshadow works good as new!

I'd love to hear feedback if any of you all try this.  Let me know how it works for you!

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