Aug 27, 2013

Experimentation at Its Finest: The Strawberry Oatmeal Mask

After a full day at the lake (complete with layers of sunscreen, of course), my face is breaking out something fierce.  This is the problem I have with about every sunscreen I have ever allowed to touch my face, so thank Jesus for sun hats, which is what will be accompanying me on my next journey to the lake. an attempt to clear the breakout I've been rocking, I've created a strawberry and oatmeal face mask that actually smells a heck of a lot better than it tastes.  Listen up, and soon you'll be able to make one too! (Really, though, it's so easy).

What You Need
1 tbsp. of steel cut oats; Any brand will do (I'm currently using Kroger brand)
1/2 a strawberry

What To Do
Simply mash all of the ingredients together with a fork until they look like this...

Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.  Prepare to glow!

If you're wondering why I decided on the oats and strawberries combo, then you're in for a quick little lesson. Strawberries contain salicylic acid, a common acne-fighting ingredient that can be found in many store bought cleansers, and the oats act as a mild cleanser and skin soother, perfect for red or irritated complexions.  This mixture does it all and it most definitely helps calm angry skin.

What do you think of DIY masks?  Do you have any favorites?

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