Oct 16, 2013

Wednesday Roundup

Buenos días, as they would say if we were in Mexico (and, oh, how I wish we were).  While this week has been just about as busy as the last few, I am excited about my little getaway to Chicago this weekend where I'll be watching my boyfriend run in the Men's Health Urbanathalon®.  It should be a good time.  I know it's supposed to be pretty chilly there, but I've got my chunky sweaters and I am so ready for it...and the Chicago-style hot dogs and pizza. Yum!

So, what have I got for you all on this lovely Wednesday?  Let's see...

Sugar Paper LA 
Sugar Paper, Los Angeles designs some adorable little notebooks that make your average Mead notebooks look somewhat inadequate.  I always keep a small notebook in my purse for ideas and things, so as soon as I've filled my current one up, I'll be hitting them up for a new one.  For some reason, their aesthetic seems kind of Lauren Conrad-y to me and I am so into it.  Also, starting on October 27th, they will be sold at Target for a limited time. Yay!
*Photo via sugarpaper.com

InStyle: Amy Poehler  
I kind of cracked up when I read Amy Poehler's recent "On My Mind" in Instyle and I thought it was just too good not to share.  I love how she doesn't take herself too seriously and I personally think it's good practice to laugh at yourself at least once a day.  Thankfully, I'm pretty clumsy, so it's not too hard for me.

My picture is a little too small to read, so here's the best quotes:

"My daily beauty regimen... like any young woman, I cover myself in whale oil, put on a pair of wax lips and head out the door..."
"What do I keep in my purse? A tiny man.  He hands me things as I need them.  My monocle, my mustache-- you know, the basics."
"I wore Stella McCartney... All her pieces feel special and match my signature accessory: a fake solid-gold hand."

Etsy Addicts Anonymous
Ok, so I'm officially addicted to Etsy.  I recently purchased three things from there in one week, so get ready for some serious Etsy Finds, plus an interview with The October Union's Kimie Rosenthal!

That's a lot of product and little embarrassment...

So, that's all I've got.  Have you all anything to share on this fine Wednesday?


  1. I bet you will have so much fun in Chicago! I love that Sugar Paper notebook you included; I will have to check out their website! Love your blog!


    1. Thanks dear:) and yes, they have some adorable stuff!

  2. Amy Poehler is so hilarious! And I am definitely going to check out those notebooks, I am a sucker for cute little journals.

    1. Ugh I am too! I'm going to be stocking up when they come to Target. Thanks for reading:)


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